Henry David Thoreau sss

" Godness is the only investment that never fails."
In the video we saw that their was people who were gong  to jail because they attempted murder and some got life sentence and others had 1-2 years. But  the people who were in jail choosed the wrong they did something in  life that they will regret because they will stay in jail untill they die for most they won't see the city just a fence. And in the other video it was a guy who gathered alot of people to show kindness around the citie one person sandg to people another two people cleaned snow off peoples drive ways two other people were giving flowers to random custommers. A lady who just gave money to the hospital to pay for the way out and she said just 3 dollars can make someones day. And one lady that she payed for was in tears because her parents had been a car crash and  someone payed for the entrence and she told the lady keep doing what you do and she said it touched her hear and she said she hopes it touches other hearts ass well as it did to her as she says " it made my day" that their is people like you helping others spreading kindness

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