Alexander Pope sss

" Act well your part; there all honor lies"
What this means like we saw in the video is to choose the right. Like for example in the video the little boy found $20 and instead of using it to buy a toy he gave it to a soldier and he gave the soldier a note saying thank you for everything you have done i know this isn't a lot but you remind me of my dad the little boy said. The boy never got to meet his dad because he died in a rock so that's what i heard in the video and the boy only sees pictures of his dad and he keeps things like the necklace his dad has and his wedding ring.Than the little boy wanted to go out and see his dad in the semmentary.The mom took a picture of the boy and you can see footprints leading up too where the headstone of the sedimentary where his dad is buried it looks like the kid is talking to his dad telling him what has happened. The army guy seemed happy that the kid gave him a note and he says he looks at it every day and that reminder motivates him everyday and it's something that makes you feel proud and happy  .


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